Water Rates & Policies
Listed below, you will find the City of Lyle current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.
Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water.
Water/Sewer Rates
Water and sewer are billed monthly. Water is $33.00 and sewer is $17.00. Total water/sewer amounts is $49.00. There is a $1.00 discount for those that pay by the 15th of the month. Please add $9.72 to your January bill. This is a State Surcharge fee that is paid to the State of Minnesota for each water connection in the city. There is a drop box located on the door of city hall to drop off your payments.
Late Fee Policy
If the account has not been paid in full by the last day of the month, a $10 late fee is applied. late notices are mailed out at that time as a reminder that your account is due. If by the 15th of that month, payment has not been received in full, a shut off notice is mailed. If th account is not paid in full by the last day of the month, the water service is shut off without further notice. In order to have the water reconnected, there will be a $100 reconnect charge applied, all past fees are paid in full and six months of service is paid in advance. If anyone has questions regarding this policy, please feel free to contact City Hall.

Our Meters